This was my first battle report, from my first ever X-Wing tournament. I was very much learning the game and with today's knowledge, I realise I came with a knife to a gun fight: bringing 2 Tie Interceptors without AT (and without Soontir) at a time where TLT was king is a tad suicidal 😜
I just wanted to thank you for the advices and give a little feedback on my first tournament.
Let's just say it didn't quite work out in terms of wins, but I still had a really great time!
The squad I finally chose was:
[ IMPERIAL SQUADRON (100 points)
1 • Carnor Jax - Push The Limit (29)
2 • Kir Kanos (24)
3 • 'Omega Ace'' - Push The Limit - Hull Upgrade (26)
4 • 'Epsilon Leader'' - Weapons Guidance (21)
5 • Extras - Force awakens damage deck - Core 2-asteroid-5 - Core 2-asteroid-3 - Core 2-asteroid-2 (0)
First game was against Dash and Miranda. I chose to go all guns out for Miranda and, even while my opponent was nice enough to explain in detail to me the slam mouvement, it still came as a surprise when I had all of my ships encircling her and she just went away ![:)](
From there, it went downhill with Dash really getting damages on my ships and Miranda giving double stress with Tactician + TLT... until I just mixed up my dial and sent Carnor Jax outside of the boards. My opponent was very nice and proposed me to correct my dial, but I was there to learn and I think it was a valuable lesson
(and he had already allowed me a couple of times to use Epsilon Leader ability after the fact). Anyway, there was little chance of me winning the game.. Lost 0-100
My last Tie-Fighter, just before the final kill
Next game, I got a bye
I watched a nice game but would have rather played.
Next one was brilliant! This time, I was faced with Miranda and Poe + 2 Z-95.
Again, I chose to go for Miranda and it worked quite well. I managed to get rid of her quite quickly, but Poe also got a few hits on Carnor and Kir.
Very well balanced game, truly all the time on the edge and undecided until the end. When the time was called, it was Poe, already badly managed, against my two Tie-fighters; so I was still up in terms of points. On the last roll of dice, Poe got a brilliant attack and decimated one of the Tie. Game lost 61-81
Carnor Jax coming for the kill
For the next one, I had to face Tie-Fighters and Interceptors. Omega leader was there, as well as Carnor.
My opening was not very good at all (or my opponent's was great!). But let's say it did not start well and, again, went downhill from there. I must say I ended up quite confused several times, struggling even to understand which ships were mine
Game lost: 18-100
The last game was against two FireSpray-31, one with Bobba Fett and I don't remember the other pilot.
I really enjoyed the game. Carnor Jax was a pita for those guys (Bobba Fett ended up several times with no actions as he didn't need a target lock due to his ability).
I managed to often be outside the front and rear arcs - so that was good - but also managed to bump THREE times on the same (very small) asteroid (pic below)!!
At some point, I re-checked on of my dial and realised I had - again - mixed up left for right and was able to correct before it sent my ship outside the board! Hopefully, lesson learnt ![:)](
Got a bit of luck on the dice rolling and ended up with my first victory
Picture taken just before Carnor Jax and the first FireSpray-31 were downed.
You can see Kir Kanos sitting on the asteroid...
All in all, a very nice experience, thanks to a *very* friendly mood and nice players!